Support of Medical Centers and Hospitals

Support of
Medical Centers
and Hospitals

We believe that actions speak louder than words. Every contribution to those in need counts, especially in the modern unprecedent situation. We, as a multinational team put our company’s values into action by supporting and initiating local projects for medical centers and hospitals. We are proud to cooperate with life-saving initiatives to make a difference and to invest in the medical industry.

Szpital Żeromski in Krakow was the first hospital in South Poland with the coronavirus patient. The medical personnel called for help as they were lacking so needed protective packages like masks, suits, and disinfectants. We are supporting this hospital and making sure it is fully equipped with hygiene sets for patients and also needed medical equipment. Our team also made a donation for oxygen therapy apparatus AIRVO2 to be installed in the Szpital Żeromski.

Our Ukrainian team initiated donations to support a small hospital in Zhydachiv and reached over $1000 by now. We equipped this hospital with protective shields, suits, hats and gloves, respirators FFP2 and antiseptic. Also, we supported the ambulance crew in Khmelnytsky with protective suits, glasses, masks and gloves. Avenga team from Poltava joined the fundraising for protective suits for medics.


The K.I.D.S. Foundation in Warsaw transforms hospitals with the help of innovation and new technologies. We supported their project of the new Blood Bank for Immunology Laboratory in the Children’s Health Centre. This new space is much closer to the operating room, 30 meters now instead of 700 as before, which is important for the transportation of life-saving fluids. Hospital’s personnel make use of modern equipment and better storage conditions for blood.

DKMS organization has been fighting blood cancer for almost 30 years and we cooperated with them helping to extend their database. This project is special as we are searching for a suitable donor for the family member of our teammate. Join the DKMS or any other organization in your country to become a bone marrow donor, make a donation or create better awareness. Just think that you can potentially give others a second chance at life.

We are proud of our team for putting Avenga values into action and supporting local communities.

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