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Is running on-premise Kubernetes clusters worth the effort?
Kubernetes (K8s), an orchestration tool for container-based workload management, is being rapidly adopted by organizations seeking to deploy and run microservices-based applications at scale. It helps them deliver quality digital products and services fast. No wonder that by the end of 2022, more than 60% of organizations have already adopted Kubernetes clusters (Fig. 1).Figure 1. Organizations’ Kubernetes adoption dynamics as of December 2022
K8s allows IT organizations to become more responsive to their business needs, gives engineers instant access to resources, and provides operators with a way to manage multi-cloud operations seamlessly. Traditionally though, it is only thought of as a cloud-native platform.
But what if the cloud is not an option?
Whether out of fear of data breaches or for whatever other reason, some organizations choose to run clusters on their on-premise infrastructure. So, should they stick to virtual machines (VMs) and forget about the scalability, availability, and flexibility that containers and Kubernetes can offer?
Luckily, they don’t have to. Kubernetes on-premise deployments, while being tricky to implement, can still provide considerable benefits to the business if managed properly. In this article, we’ll explain the key differences between running K8s in the cloud and on-prem, and share some of the best practices we use at Avenga to make on-prem Kubernetes deployments work flawlessly.
K8s is an open-source, portable, and extensible container orchestration platform that helps automate app deployment and management, run distributed systems resiliently and scale them quickly in response to load. In layman’s terms, Kubernetes ensures all your containers are in the right place, interacting with each other.
Each K8s cluster is made up of master nodes (collectively called a Control Plane) and worker nodes. Master nodes are responsible for cluster management and they run four important processes:
Each worker node hosts a bunch of pods – the smallest deployable computing units in Kubernetes. These pods are comprised of one or several containers, which share resources and storage. Worker nodes have their own set of processes:
Figure 2. Kubernetes architecture
As you can see, the K8s’ architecture is quite simple, especially when you compare it to Openstack (Fig. 2). But, it will become overwhelmingly complex once you take away the cloud services.
With them gone, you’ll suddenly have to worry about authentication, overlay networking, provisioning, a load balancer in front of the API server, multi-node clustering, transport layer security, and much much more. And, it is the lack of automation around this functionality that can make your on-prem deployment fall flat on its face.
To make an on-prem Kubernetes deployment work, your engineers must set all these things up and figure out a way to map them into the existing infrastructure. In addition, they have to adapt the standard instructions because, for Kubernetes, many of those elements are required.
So, are on-prem Kubernetes deployments still worth a try?
Besides superstition, a general distrust of the cloud, and resistance to change, some organizations have rational reasons to avoid it. For example:
The CNCF’s Cloud Native Survey 2021 states that 22% of users run on-prem Kubernetes deployments.
The first thing to consider when building any infrastructure is a load balancer. It’s an essential element both for the API server and the applications. While K8s does distribute the load and directs incoming traffic, it only provides one Ingress point which won’t be sufficient in most cases.
Ingress is an API object that manages external access to the services in your cluster. (Fig. 3).Figure 3. Kubernetes Ingress
Your load balancer must also be dynamic.
Unlike some static web server farms, an on-premise Kubernetes cluster will grow and change over time. Therefore, you will need constant updates on the system’s overall health. There are a few ways to go about this:
K8s makes a lot of networking assumptions which limits your networking choices. As a result of this, setting up proper traffic segmentation can be extremely difficult. You will also have to find a way to keep preventing Docker from taking over your networking.
Consider using VMs for this – you can put multiple NICs (network interface controllers) into each of them, and it doesn’t take much effort to assign a VM to the network of your choice. Also, they can be extremely helpful in terms of container isolation.
Besides that, CMI plugins like WeaveNet, Calico, and Flannel could also be of great use. You might even think about investing in some extensions to get visibility and valuable insights from them.
Note that if your networking requirements are exceptionally complex, you might be better off not using K8s and containers at all.
When running an on-prem K8s cluster, organizations should plan for the continuous deployment of their infrastructure and think through how they will keep updating the dependency graph beneath it.
It is important to incorporate K8s’ quarterly update releases, which include bug fixes, security patches, etc., as well as to monitor the release cycles and versioning of all the elements around the infrastructure, such as OS, Docker, and various networking pieces.
Avoid building automation that has no upgrade path.
For some, it’s better to start with multiple small clusters and run them on different versions. While this approach seems difficult and might present certain challenges in terms of management, it will also minimize the blast radius.
Start small, think about the day two upgrades, and give yourself some time to devise a strategy for cluster convergence.
K8s is a perfect fit for stateless servers and applications that might or might not require scaling. In other cases, figuring out storage concerns will be hard.
One of the most viable options here is using ephemeral machines.
Docker images tend to accumulate quickly, so you’ll need to ensure you don’t run out of storage infrastructure unexpectedly. This can be achieved by keeping up a nice machine rotation hygiene, as well as expanding and contracting the cluster. Also, try attaching remote storage to your containers using stateful sets.
Remember that your networking infrastructure has to be built in a way that helps isolate storage traffic. You must make sure it won’t bog down when you attempt to carry out multiple storage operations at once.
Since Docker and Containers are new, expect to be using the latest operating systems (kernels, drivers, etc.) when working with them. Unlike VMs, containers do not have the proper isolation, so it’s crucial that you build, maintain, and patch machines properly from the get-go and then keep monitoring the entire system closely.
Likewise, expect to be doing a lot of reprovisioning. K8s allow you to shut down and rotate machines through the cluster, so take advantage of that and make it a regular failure management practice. It would be wise to assume that your K8s cluster won’t be static and that you’ll just have to keep running machines in an upgrade pattern through the system.
If you’re using a distro, you’ll need to consult its requirements.
Using the cloud is clearly the easier choice when it comes to Kubernetes, but that doesn’t mean on-prem deployments aren’t worth the effort. If your organization is bound by security guidelines or has some other reasons to control the stack fully, K8s can still bring all the benefits of the cloud-native infrastructure if you run it on-prem. And, it doesn’t matter whether you use Openstack, VMware, or bare metal.
However, if you decide to use on-prem, you should know that Kubernetes alone, stripped of all the cloud services, won’t be able to support your application. You’ll need a plan on how to manage access control, load balancing, ingress, networking, provisioning, storage, and all the other vital infrastructure elements.
Start small, use VMs to run your clusters, and expect that getting the infrastructure to run smoothly will probably take some time. Additionally, plan for integration and assume you’ll have to do lots of operations work around your cluster.
Remember that Kubernetes isn’t a hammer that solves any problem. It’s not even that mature a technology yet, so be sure to use it the way it’s meant to be used, and you need some help with that, do not hesitate to contact us!
* US and Canada, exceptions apply
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