Automation of Internal Budget Processes for a Leading Biopharma Enterprise

Automation of
internal budget
processes for a
leading Biopharma

Automation of Internal Budget Processes




Pharma and life sciences


Solution engineering




Our client is a leading biopharma enterprise with massive capabilities in medical research and healthtech. Based in the United States, the company has a global presence with about 28,000 employees in 110 countries. The critical objective of our client’s pursues to accelerate customer success by leading product development processes, integrating clinical development solutions, and adopting commercial capabilities.

To improve its service delivery, the company looked for a development partner that could introduce a certain degree of automation. When the client contacted Avenga, they were looking for better quality, as they were unsatisfied with the previous tech partner services. As a result, the collaboration offered fruitful outcomes for both parties involved.


The client forms budgets for hundreds of its projects. However, before Avenga came on board, the client did all the budget-forming manually. In such a case, it resulted in various bottlenecks and a high chance of human error, which translates into financial damages. In short, they faced the challenge of a time-consuming manual budget-forming process plagued with mistakes.

Keeping the challenge in mind, Avenga devised a plan to automate the client’s budget-forming process with the help of Salesforce. Avenge sought to reach three core goals, automate internal budget adjustment processes, involve new users in the CRM system, and improve customer satisfaction.

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Salesforce Cloud Platform

The solution to the challenge required creating custom IBA management request forms, setting a custom approval process, and integrating an email service notification system. It was all done on the Salesforce Cloud platform using Salesforce Platform licenses. The Administrative part of the solution was covered entirely by out-of-the-box Salesforce functionality and drag-and-drop components. Regarding end-user functionality, Avenga's expert teams used Reporting, Lightning Flows, and Salesforce email services.

Oracle NetSuite

NetSuite Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was used as a part of the scalable solution to run all of your back-office operations and financial business processes in the cloud. In addition, Avenga's experts used Oracle NetSuite to present built-in business intelligence with real-time reporting and analytics. As a result, the client received a system that ignites better and faster decision-making.


Lightning Web Components (LWC) were used as core Web Components standards. They provided only what’s necessary to perform well in browsers supported by Salesforce.


As a strongly typed, object-oriented programming language, Apex allowed Avenga’s developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on Salesforce servers in conjunction with calls to the API.


The solution presented by Avenga offered some significant results. First and foremost, our client received a fine-tuned automated budget-forming system with a minimal chance of human error and no financial damages involved. Second, the client was introduced to the Salesforce CRM for better data management and reporting. Third, there was a definite element of boosted client satisfaction. Finally, they liked the solution and asked Avenga to develop three more system versions. As a result, Avenga will stay with the client and support the ongoing and future solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

They are a leading biopharma enterprise with about 28,000 employees in 110 countries. The company focuses on leading product development processes, integrating clinical development solutions, and adopting commercial capabilities in medical research and healthtech.

Our client partnered with Avenga to automate the client's time-consuming manual budget-forming process. Unfortunately, completing it took a lot of time and effort, including a high chance of human error. As a result, the manual system brought financial damages and low accuracy.

Avenga came up with a plan to automizing the client's budget-forming process with the help of Salesforce. Avenge sought to reach three core goals, automate internal budget adjustment processes, involve new users in the CRM system, and improve customer satisfaction. The company used core Salesforce Cloud Platform capabilities and appealed to Oracle NetSuite, Lightning Web Components (LWC), and Apex programming language.

As a result of the collaboration, the client received a fine-tuned automated budget-forming system with a minimal chance of human error involved. Besides, they were introduced to the Salesforce platform, presenting the client with the system's further capabilities. Finally, the client liked the solution and asked Avenga to develop three more system versions.

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