Meet Avenga at TechEx North America 2024

Meet Avenga at TechEx North America 2024

We are coming to TechEx North America to help you leverage the advantage of technology in growing your business. Let’s meet on June 5-6 in Santa Clara, CA.

We can guide you in

AI and data

This unmatched combination unlocks insights, predicts trends, and enhances decision-making through data analysis and machine learning, driving efficiency, innovation, and competitive advantage.

Intelligent automation

Your business processes can be just better. Intelligent automation streamlines processes, reduces errors, and boosts productivity by automating repetitive tasks, enabling cost savings and resource optimization.


The Internet of Things technology connects devices and gathers real-time data, enabling better monitoring, control, and optimization of operations, while enhancing business processes efficiency and refining customer experiences.


Modern cloud solutions facilitate scalable, on-demand access to resources, fostering agility, collaboration, and cost-effectiveness while enabling rapid innovation and global reach.

Edge computing

You can process data closer to the source, reducing latency and bandwidth usage, enhancing real-time decision-making, and enabling efficient operations in remote or resource-constrained environments.

Meet the team

Jorge Atala

Technology Director

Join us at TechExpo to delve into the transformative potential of innovative technologies. Together, we’ll craft tailored solutions to propel your business forward, optimizing operations, enhancing customer experiences, and seizing new opportunities. Secure your spot today for a future-ready tech roadmap.

Technology Director

Kevin Kowalski

Business Development Director

We will unlock the power of technology for your business growth. Let’s strategize at TechEx North America to drive innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage together. Book your meeting now to revolutionize your tech and thus business landscape.

Business Development Director

About Avenga

Avenga is a global IT engineering and consulting company specializing in custom software development. Over the last 20+ years of our operations, we have successfully delivered software solutions for 600+ clients, including IQVIA, Intel, SwissLife, GSK, Mazda, and others.

With delivery centers in the Americas, Europe, MENA, and Asia, Avenga delivers where others can’t. We are 7000+ digital transformation experts with comprehensive technical expertise recognized by partners and customers worldwide. Avenga is your competitive advantage in business.




years of experience


offices worldwide

There are so many ways we can help you innovate and win at business!

Meet Kevin and Jorge at TechExpo to learn more about the exciting business development avenues we can walk together.

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