Ensuring DORA readiness: Avenga’s unified guide to Digital Operational Resilience Act

Ensuring DORA
Avenga’s unified
guide to DORA

Meticulously crafted by Avenga’s team of cybersecurity, data, and fintech experts, this whitepaper will make it easier for you to understand where your organization stands on its journey toward DORA compliance.

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Download Avenga’s unified guide to DORA to

Acquire a deep understanding

DORA introduces a complex set of requirements. The whitepaper covers the regulation comprehensively and provides a clear and concise breakdown of its key provisions.

Conduct a full readiness assessment

Assessing your current security posture is pivotal for devising an effective DORA compliance strategy. Our whitepaper guides you through a thorough self-assessment process.

Begin to formulate a DORA compliance strategy

Succeed in DORA adoption with a prioritized action plan tailored to your needs and resources. The whitepaper will help you allocate resources and make necessary modifications to meet requirements.

Maneuver around roadblocks

Be equipped to anticipate potential DORA-related challenges. You will learn best practices for managing third-party risk, conducting security testing, and streamlining incident reporting processes.

Get Avenga’s unified guide to Digital Operational Resilience Act

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Welcome to your ultimate guide to Digital Operational Resilience Act

Download or review the whitepaper below.


DORA compliance matters and here’s why


Helps avoid penalties

DORA ensures adherence to EU regulations, avoiding penalties and reputational damage for non-compliance.


Wins customer trust

Compliance with DORA standards fosters trust among clients, reassuring them of secure handling of their financial data.


Enhances data security

DORA promotes robust data protection measures, safeguarding sensitive financial information from cyber threats and breaches.


Brings competitive advantage

DORA compliance signals commitment to data integrity, setting financial companies apart in a crowded market.


Boosts operational efficiency

Implementing DORA streamlines data processes, reducing operational complexities and enhancing overall efficiency.


Grants access to new markets

DORA compliance opens doors to international markets by aligning with evolving global data protection standards.

We can help you achieve DORA compliance!

With years of experience in setting and maintaining robust security infrastructures for Europe’s leading financial companies Avenga’s experts can guide you on your way toward DORA compliance.

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Our DORA experts say