Сove Financial

Сove Financial-
brings the American
dream closer to
average families

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About Сove Financial

Cove Financial Engages Avenga to Build Digital Underwriting Platform and Mortgage Qualification App.

Cove Financial Group makes homeownership accessible. It brings the American dream closer to average families, which are often underserved by traditional mortgage providers.

The company came up with Mortgage Alternative Program (MAP) which would allow a would-be buyer, who doesn’t yet qualify for a bank mortgage, to enter into escrow and then lease a chosen home comfortably from Cove, until they get mortgage financing.

The leasing could last up to 6 years; it’d be available for everyone who’s able to make a down payment.

By offering MAP, Cove Financial Group hopes to transform homeownership as we know it; and to have this noble idea brought to life, Cove has reached out to Avenga; the experienced software vendor which now is its technical partner.


Besides building a comprehensive web application that allows to apply for MAP and carries out the “self-serve” mortgage qualification, we had to equip Cove with advanced marketing features, as the company’s representatives had requested.


Having a knack for integration with external solutions, a vast expertise in .Net framework and in REST interface development, we were able to meet every demand the Cove’s team had expressed. Here’s precisely the steps we took:

  • Created an automated underwriting solution for those applying to buy a home; used Dropbox, as a widely used file hosting service with a simple, recognizable interface, to deal with a vast flow of related documents
  • Integrated Cove with a renowned mortgage advisory tool EdgeMAC, which reviews thoroughly clients assets, provides valuable insights and thus helps to make advantageous business decisions
  • Built a consolidation algorithm for Cove’s executives that allows tracking from one dashboard the entire program performance – across disparate platforms, tools and data feeds
  • Established integration between Cove and Marketo MA platform to enable admins to conduct multi-channel digital advertising, analyse precisely the target audience’s needs, and thus craft personalized offers for each client later on
  • Built a series of dynamic landing pages that guide clients through a multistep qualification process and, upon that, determine their eligibility for MAP
  • Added advanced remarketing functionality, using DataXu platform, to help Cove efficiently bridge the gap from prospects to leads.

Scope of service

  • Business requirements analysis
  • A team of software engineers
  • QA maintenance
  • Third-party tools integration

“They (Avenga) are very agile. What I like about them is that they have rigor where they need it, but they’re also very flexible. If we need to jump in, interrupt a sprint and say that X or Y has just become an immediate priority, they’re on top of it almost immediately. I find in a lot of other firms, they say they’re agile or they say they can adjust but, in practice, they really don’t have the personnel to handle the incoming changes, whereas Avenga does.” Alan Edgett – Chief Marketing Officer


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Call (Toll-Free*) +1 (800) 917-0207

Zoom 30 min

* US and Canada, exceptions apply

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