Migration from legacy tech to fuel business productivity

Migration from
legacy tech to
fuel business

Migration from legacy tech






Solution engineering


.NET, C#, React


NDA client is a world-renowned technology company that provides integrated solutions across electrification, process automation, motion, and robotics & discrete automation business areas. The corporation has a strong foothold in more than 100 countries and continuously contributes its deep domain expertise to further data-driven decision-making in worldwide organizations.

Avenga helped the client maximize their digital transformation efforts. Our team assisted in switching from the company’s legacy solutions to Microsoft SharePoint, thus propelling the opportunities to drive value for our technology partner. Our commitment to a smooth transition ensured that the implementation was successful, and that our client was able to reap the benefits of their digital transformation initiative.


A technology leader with a 130-year-old history of working with manufacturing, utilities, and infrastructure, our client is driving the transformation of industries towards a more sustainable future and focuses on delivering new services and solutions that match their customers’ needs. They requested support with the modernization of dated solutions as they critically lacked scalability and proper performance, which led to stalled business productivity and user experiences.

Among the technical challenges, the client faced the need to:

  • Modernize legacy IT landscape that was composed of classic network drives and a Lotus Note-based email.
  • Build complex multi-farm scenarios, including SharePoint Online and on-premise.
  • Conduct multiple migrations and support on-premise upgrades, and accomplish migration to SharePoint Online.
  • Amplify the solution’s scalability and accommodate it for comfortable use.

The company needed an experienced technology partner to address these technical challenges. Our team of experts worked closely with the enterprise to analyze their expectations and develop a suitable approach to the modernization of their legacy IT landscape.

Oleksandr Virga


Migration scripts

Avenga’s team conducted an analysis of the legacy systems and identified the proper tooling for data migration. Then, we crafted the scripts that extracted data from the legacy systems in a way that supported accuracy and minimized the risk of data loss. The migration scripts were thoroughly tested to guarantee they could handle large volumes of data and complex data structures.


Migration of legacy solutions heavily relies upon a robust governance framework. Our company implemented top-notch practices for content governance and created custom policies designs to support optimal performance, searchability, and security. We tracked the implementation of these initiatives to identify any areas that needed improvement and make any necessary adjustments.


The integration of federated and hybrid scenarios allowed us to successfully migrate our legacy solutions to SharePoint and maintain the flexibility to keep some systems on-premise. This approach also empowered us to make sure that users have access to a centralized experience across both environments. As a result, our client is now better positioned to scale and adapt to changing business needs.

Authentication providers

Our experts deployed custom authentication providers to integrate SharePoint environments with ADFS and support NTLM authentication scenarios. We ensured these providers were secure and did not introduce any vulnerabilities or weaken the client’s overall security posture. Now, users have a seamless authentication across both on-premise and online environments.

Provisioning service

Avenga delivered a customized workflow for the self-service creation of new sites and groups that could be accessed from any device and any location by authorized end-users. This approach made it easy for end-users to know that all newly created resources met standards for security, compliance, and information architecture.


Through our partnership, Avenga assisted a global digital transformation leader in modernizing their information architecture with SharePoint. Our team delivered a smooth transition from legacy solutions and developed a custom approach to modernization. We accompanied our client during all phases of their endeavor, from business process analysis and solution audit to project management, solution engineering, and application support.

The solution’s improved scalability also positioned the company to deliver a relevant experience for end-users. As a result of our collaboration, the corporation attained these results:

  • Streamlined information management.

The modernized SharePoint architecture improved how the company stores, organizes, and retrieves critical data.

  • Increased solutions’ scalability and better performance.

Modernization helped improve the solution’s performance under load as it was scaled to handle increased data volumes and user numbers.

  • Improved collaboration and productivity.

Better document and knowledge-sharing capabilities boosted cross-team collaboration.

  • Foundation for future growth

A scalable infrastructure provided the client with a strong technological platform for further innovation and business expansion.

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