
Metis -
corporate planning
and performance

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To develop an intuitive but highly-efficient management system with a feature-rich user interface (UI) and advanced user experience (UX). This corporate management system should be a reliable management instrument to help businesses manage and control people, time, and funds in the most intelligent way.


Founders of Metis, three entrepreneurs who started with a small project and grew into a savvy company with rich entrepreneurial experience, had a perfect understanding of business processes and human management. They decided to help small and mid-size companies to manage their work effectively, avoiding unnecessary managerial risks every entrepreneur may encounter. That how the great concept of an intelligent system that will help users to gather corporate data, track performance, and monitor projects changes was born.


Make this system cloud-based, providing easy access for users, and convenient administrative options. The platform was supposed to be extremely convenient to use encouraging employees to automate their business processes, use system on daily basis, and share their positive experience with other employees. In such a way, the owner’s business will become more rational and profitable. Moreover, all the works Avenga has been in charge of were performed under tight deadlines.


The Metis company turned to Avenga to help manage the challenges that cropped up as the initial idea raised. In terms of cooperation, Avenga assisted our client with design and development of an effective SaaS business intelligence platform. In the result of this fruitful cooperation, end users of Avenga’s client now are armed with efficient resource and expense management system to make the best use of their most precious assets – people, clients, and time.

TMetis, first of all, assists managers in tracking time and expenses captured by users to the system. Moreover, to simplify the time and expenses tracking, users can add receipt images to support expenses. Later on, such timesheet can be reviewed and approved by the managers.

With the help of the Metis system, a manager now possesses accurate and timely of information about projects statuses and risks showing how people are spending their time, measuring the profitability on each project with defined estimates of the progress.

Today, Metis continues to rely on Avenga to enhance the system and develop mobile apps for this platform. On top of that, automatic integration with third-party tools is on the way in the next releases.

Main Features:

  • Live tracking of work progress
  • Resources allocation and management
  • Detailed planning of resources
  • Sales pipeline management
  • Time and expenses tracking
  • Accurate estimations
  • Basic reports

Scope of works

  • Project Management
  • Front End Development
  • Back End Development
  • UI/UX design
  • Quality Assurance
  • DevOps services

Future cooperation

The next step in fruitful cooperation between Avenga and Metis will cover the development of the mobile apps to supplement the solution. iOS and Android versions of the mobile app will help users to make the basic actions on-the-go. The main features will include: reporting, resource planning, expenses tracking, etc. right from a mobile device.


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* US and Canada, exceptions apply

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