
an advertising

average web app

About JasperLabs

JasperLabs technology became part of the DataXu programmatic marketing stack. DataXu has one of the most diverse integrated creative suites in the industry. Adding dynamic creativity to their product helps complete the story, enabling marketers to connect the dots and personalize creative messaging, making it more integral throughout a consumer’s journey.


The product owner, Stefan Lucyshyn, wanted to make the software into a scalable and reliable SaaS platform to support thousands of ad units and billions of impressions. Avenga was asked to improve the platform while avoiding the time and cost of finding and hiring a multidisciplinary team.


Avenga’s transparent technical leadership and hybrid outsourcing approach enabled Stefan to multiply his in-house resources instantly with a dedicated team of savvy engineers, including software developers, technical architects, Q/A leads, and project managers.

Over three years, Avenga helped by making JasperAds a scalable, high-traffic web solution, developing core API for the platform, data storage design, reporting with analytics, release management, and quality assurance.


  • Time-to-market reduced by 50%
  • Campaign engagement increased four-fold
  • 36-month post-launch acquisition by DataXu that was achieved partially due to an enhanced product, agile development, and reliability of the platform

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* US and Canada, exceptions apply

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