The Liechtensteinische Landesbank: Consistent User Experience Across Platforms

Consistent User
Experience Across

Consistent User Experience Across Platforms




Financial services


Solution engineering


Software engineering


The Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB) is shaped by more than 150 years of tradition. Since 1861 it has been the bank for the country, population, and economy in the Sovereign Principality of Liechtenstein. It combines tradition and innovation to offer its customers personal and reliable services, in both the physical and digital world.

Consistent User Experience Across Platforms


The financial industry and the online world are, however, constantly changing and are continuously influencing the expectations of customers. For this reason, the LLB has fundamentally redesigned all its digital services in recent years. Our team in Berlin and Cologne has since 2016, supported the LLB Group to a considerable extent in this challenge, for example, in the seamless integration of online banking and web portals.

Consistent User Experience Across Platforms


User experience

Avenga has developed a new visual language for the LLB, which transports the bank’s high standard and tradition and appeals to a diverse audience. The focus lies on concrete user benefits. A simple information architecture with clear needs orientation, full customization, and an emotional approach make the portals easily accessible

Central pattern library

Our front-end development and UX design teams have jointly developed a central pattern library, creating an omnichannel experience that stretches across all digital touchpoints with a uniform look and feels: responsive websites, native apps for iOS and Android, the securities platform, and online banking. At the same time, we have laid the foundation for further applications that will emerge within the entire LLB Group.

Individual dashboards

The “Dashboard” is the heart of online banking. It is the main entry point for logged-in users and offers quick access to financial information and banking transaction processing. Users can choose from various widgets to create an individual dashboard according to their personal needs.


Avenga designed the new apps to meet the users’ need for individuality and simplicity: A quick fingerprint login leads directly to the personal balance sheet. Customers can individually design their start page. Repeated payments can be easily transferred thanks to an optimized payment method.


The result of partnering with Avenga led to LLB getting a sustainable digital strategy delivered by a new visual language the client can use to provide services to a broader audience. At the moment, the client has all it needs to provide a consistent user experience across multiple platforms. Respectively, with Avenga, LLB found a partner knowing how to focus on usability and digital transformation.

Consistent User Experience Across Platforms

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